
모든 종류의 스탬핑 제품 및 CNC 선반 제품을 위한 원스톱 솔루션 제조업체입니다.

Analysis on the precision blanking process applied to the connector

Today, the precision author will talk to everyone about the precision blanking process on the connector. The connector is also called the connector, which refers to the device that connects two active devices, and plays the role of connecting and conducting. Connectors are widely used in the electronic and electrical industry because of their advantages such as simplifying the production process, easy maintenance and replacement, and improving design flexibility. Connectors are usually a combination of plastic and metal, so the requirements for precision metal blanking parts will be very high. Precision has more than 10 years of experience in the design and manufacture of precision blanking parts, and the material thickness can be 0.1MM. Because we have the ability to design and manufacture molds independently, we can better control the accuracy of metal parts blanking during production. The section of the product punched out by the ordinary stamping process will produce undesirable defects such as knife burr and pin distortion, which will have a greater impact on the connection performance of the connector. Through many years of experience accumulation, we have mastered a winning mold design and manufacturing technology, which can realize the precision blanking of the non-marking knife and the pin needle contact surface without arcs and no turning materials, so that the conduction of the connector is improved. stable. Since its establishment, Precision has focused on the design and manufacture of metal blanking products such as various connector terminals, precision housings, and shrapnel, and has special advantages in the manufacture of full-hard stainless steel shrapnel. We have an experienced team of engineers who can provide suitable product solutions according to customer requirements. Welcome to consult! Guangdong Precision Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of precision metal and plastic parts. In order to ensure the high precision and accuracy of mass-produced parts, all of our progressive molds and plastic molds are developed, manufactured and used in production by our own team. In addition, we have also established an automation team to independently research and develop assembly automation equipment to realize the automation of the entire production process. [Recommended recommendation] Learn more: The drawing characteristics of cylindrical deep drawn parts Learn more: Analysis of the causes of wrinkles on the surface of the drawn parts Learn more: What factors affect the quality of automotive stamping parts

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Wysoka jakość
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Tłoczenie dla elektroniki

Zapotrzebowanie na wysokiej jakości tłoczone ramki ołowiane w przemyśle elektronicznym stale rośnie, ponieważ firmy starają się produkować mniejsze, lżejsze i bardziej wydajne urządzenia elektroniczne

Rama prowadząca
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Ponieważ technologia rozwija się w szybkim tempie, świat tłoczenia ram ołowianych nie jest wyjątkiem
데이터 없음
동관포르투나는 2003년에 설립되었습니다. 공장 면적은 16,000m2이고 직원은 260명입니다. 정밀 금속 스탬핑 부품, 정밀 CNC 가공, 사출 성형 및 제품 조립을 전문으로 하는 생산 기업입니다.
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아니. 226, Shida Road, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan 523810, 광둥, 중국
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